How to protect your blog content form copyright


How to protect your blog content form copyright:

Content hackers easily hack any Blogspot content without using any external software. Actually, we are the responsible to protect your content from the content thief. does not care about our content. You can protect your content in three ways. This technique is easy for non-technical people also. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to protect your blog content from copyright.

mohamed_hassan / Pixabay

But hacking is depending on single content hacking or hole content hacking. to hack hole content from the blogger they have to create atom.xml for your blog. This file allows to hack anyone content, that can be imported to any blog. To avoid this, you must choose the second method as mentioned below.

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Let see the three methods:

  1. Disabling right click copy the content
  2. Disabling blog feed
  3. Placing DCMA badges on your web pages.

In this method, you have to add custom Javascript code to your blog.

Just copy this code and paste it in head tag which means below the <head> of your blogger blog or website. Do not paste this code in sidebar.

<!– START disable copy paste –><script src=’demo-to-prevent-copy-paste-on-blogger_files/googleapis.js’></script><script type=’text/javascript’> if(typeof document.onselectstart!=”undefined” ) {document.onselectstart=new Function (“return false” ); } else{document.onmousedown=new Function (“return false” );document.onmouseup=new Function (“return false”); } </script><!– End disable copy paste –>

Follow this step to disable text selection:

Login to your blogger dashboard

READ  Disable Text Selection using JavaScript code

Go to theme => edit html => Find <head> => copy and paste the code below of <head>

or Layout => add gadget and select HTML Javascript => Save it

That’s all you can check it on your webpages…

But in this method, the hacker can copy your content by disabling java script using browser extention

Also see: How to enable copy selection on any web pages.

  1. Disabling blog feed:

This is the most effective method of protecting your content form bulk hacking. It does not require coding knowledge. Even non-technical man can do this job perfectly. You have to change setting in the blogger dashboard. Follow my steps to protect blog content from copyright,

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Step1: log in to your blogger dash board

Step2: Go to settings => others => See right side, blog feed

Step3: Click on “Allow blog feed” make the setting full to “Until jumper break” or any setting you want


Full: Allow full blog feeds. In this, the hacker can import 150 post content from your blog.

Until jump break: It all allows just 150 content but the hacker can import the content at the same the cannot import full content from your web pages. It just allows 60 characters per post. To read a full post the visitor must come to your place only.

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Short: It allows them to hack summery of the post, it means 150 posts with overall summer of the post

None: it does not allow you to create atom.xml file. So hacker cannot be imported single character from your blogger blog

Use until jumb break option


Finally, do not forget to save settings.

That’s all No one cannot hack your blog content.

Placing DCMA badges:

This badge creates some fear to your visitor those who are intending to copy your content. Let see how to get this DCMA badges. In this premium plan really protect your content from copyright. But in a free plan, they offer just badges, that can be used on your website. Also, you can place this badges at anywhere else on your website. It does not require any registration.

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Let start:

Step1: Go to this website

Step2: Select which type of model text you want to display on your website. Click on that.

<a href=”//″ title=” Protection Status” class=”dmca-badge”> <img src=”//″ alt=” Protection Status”></a> <script src=”//”> </script>


Step3: the code is available on the side bar

Step4: Come to your website control panel

For WordPress:

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Go to widget=> all custom HTML => paste this code => Click done=> That all you can see the dcma badges

For blogger:

Go to blogger dashboard => Click Layout => Click add gadget at anywhere to be placed => Select HTML/Java Script in blogger gadget selection => paste this code on the html editor page => Save it

That’s all you have done it


See guys how much you put effect to create a content for your blog, the same effect must be put to protect blog content from copyright. Use all method. Save your blog from copyright…


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