Best English voice to Tamil text converter Android apps


Best English voice to Tamil text converter app:

  1. Micro soft Translate
  2. Speech to text converter
  3. Voice to text converter
  4. Voice translator
  5. Google translator

Just talking in English voice which directly converts into tamil text. let see the best android English voice to tamil text converter app.

Micro soft Translate:

This is one of the best app (English voice to tamil text converter). Accuracy is 95 %. Converts your voice into almost 180 type of language. Also it has additional feature of text to text translator, Photo to text converter and photo text translator. All the recorded data stores in your dashboard, there you can share it.

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Speech to text notepad:

It detects your voice automatically and converts it into text. The converted text directly stores in your SD card and you can share it with social media. It has come additional feature of text to voice converter. By upgrading with premium plan speech recognition will be started with Bluetooth headset.

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Voice to text converter:

It just converts your voice to text automatically. It is simple converter, No sharing option, no saving option. By pressing mic button you can start speak. It is not the best app.

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Voice Translator:

Converts any language to any language or English voice to tamil text converter (specially for us). I do not detect automatically. It is also working as translator. By holding mic, you can start speak and the same stores into dashboard.

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Google Translate(English voice to Tamil text converter):

This is the best and no 1 translator app in the world (English voice to tamil text converter). Almost 5.1million people are using this app. Very funny voice. You have to download each language pack to use. If I want tamil then I should download tamil pack. It has all the feature like Microsoft translator. Text to text converter, photo to text converter, voice to text converter, sms translator and text to voice converter. It has 180 type of language. Just simply keeping the camera on the text to be translated, it detects the text and displays the result. It has accuracy of 99%. Click the headline and get this app.

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Better you choose google translator or micro soft translator, which has wide range of feature.

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