How to Earn Money By Watching Videos (Money Rain App # 10 and Watch and Earn App Review #11)


Money Rain # 10:  

What is Money Rain :

This is average money earning app. You can earn PayPal cash, Paytm cash, Flipkart and amazon gift cards with your phone for watching videos. You can also earn from daily competition and jackpot. This is trusted one.

Key way to earn:

  1.  Download the app from given below link, and up through email ID or Facebook.
  2. Watch 30 sec videos by clicking on the video offers which are available in video box and earn  one points per video.
  3. Participate in the competition and get a chance to win bulk prizes.
  4. Participate in the Jackpot by spending some credits, the highest bidder will get the jackpot prize on daily basis.
  5. Get daily bonus 5 points for signing in.
  6. Refer your friends to join money rain app and earn 50 points for each friend you refer.
  7. Sum of 1000 points equal to 1$. When you reach this 1000 points, you are eligible to redeem your points into cash or gift cards.
  8. Your payment will be given within 2 days’ time limit
  9. Other than user from India can redeem their point in to PayPal cash or gift cards.
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My suggestion:

The ratio between the data charges to money conversion is too high, those who are have free data can try this app.

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Referral program:

You get 50 points for each friends you refer

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Signup Bonus: 5 credits.

Click here to Sign up and Start Earn 

Use referral code:739925

Min withdrawal: 1 $ PayPal, 50 Rupees Paytm.

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Maximum earning: Your limit

Daily working time: 40 mints.

Hard work needed: 10 %.

Payment type: PayPal, Paytm, Amazon gift cards.

Rating: 4.1 star, 1 K users

Trusting level: 100%

Available country: ALL


Earn Money – Watching Videos and Install apps# 11 : 

Regarding payment, we cannot say. I have tried but did not get paid. After updating this app my old earning got erased, Again I started from first. Then I uninstalled.

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Earning money by watching YouTube videos, downloading apps and playing games. For watching videos, they pay 0.1$ for playing a game of 0.2$. If you have own YouTube channel, in this you can convert your earning into you channel views. They pay signup bonus 2 $.

Referral program: Nil

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Key way to earn:

  1. Watching YouTube Videos,
  2. Downloading apps
  3. Playing games.

Signup Bonus:  2 $.

Min withdrawal: 40 $ PayPal.

Maximum earning: Your limit

Daily working time: 40 mints.

Hard work needed: 30 %.

Payment type: PayPal

Rating: 3.9 star, 69 K users

Trusting level: 10%

Payment Proof: For Money rain App

More Money earning apps and website trusted and with Payment proof

Good Luck !!!!


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