Free hosting website Vs Custom hosting website in India


Free hosting Vs Custom hosting website in india:

Everyone always select free hosting and free domain. Here I am telling you that the advantage and disadvantage of free hosting and free domain ( Free hosting website vs Custom hosting website in india).

Advantage of free hosting website:

  1. No need to spend money for lifelong
  2. It works like normal website
  3. Host unlimited number of website
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Disadvantage of free hosting website:

  1. Limited memory usage.
  2. Limited bandwidth (takes too long to load your page).
  3. You have to carry host provider’s name with your domain.
  4. Otherwise you need to purchase a new domain to get free hosting.
  5. Google rarely index sub domains. This is the major problem of free hosting website; even high quality content will lose its search engine rank.
  6. You cannot get custom email account.
  7. Cannot upgrade your business.
  8. Less customer care support.
  9. Your Website works Daily 18 hours only (free hosting from Hostinger).
  10. Less WordPress speed
  11. You cannot pass the URL in Facebook. It considers as spam.
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Advantage of custom domain and custom hosting Website:

  1. Unlimited Number of Websites
  2. Infinity SSD Disk Space
  3. Unlimited Bandwidth
  4. Infinity MySQL Databases
  5. Unlimited FTP Users
  6. Unlimited Email Accounts
  7. Easy Website Builder
  8. Powerful Control Panel
  9. 3X WordPress Optimized Speed
  10. Free Domain Name (with annual plan)
  11. Free SSL Certificate to secure customer data & increase SEO rankings
  12. Build your business how you want
  13. Good customer care support 24X7
  14. High quality content gets first rank
  15. Share your content wherever you want
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Disadvantage of Custom domain and Custom Hosting website:

  1. You have to speed 40 $ to 50 $ per year to maintain your website (Custom domain+ hosting annual renewal)
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Conclusion:(Free hosting Vs Custom hosting)

Your free hosting will work for the name sake. The main disadvantage of Subdomain is Google does not index that kind of sub-domain. The free hosting and free domain providers like Wix, Weebly, Hostinger, WordPress etc. are giving subdomain of their main domain. So guys if you build a free website from them google consider as Subdomain websites.

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Always go for starter plan or premium plan. If you want to improve your business and to get better google rank just go for premium hosting.

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