Free Call Recording App for Your Android Smart Phone


Best Call recording app for android in Play store:

ACR Call recording app:

This is the highest users using call recording application, it has almost 396 K users. It has good amplification sound (high volume) high quality recording. It has some advantage over other call recording app is ‘delayed recording’. You can set up to 60 seconds delay while recording your call and automatic delete option, recordings older than preset days. You can use own build in internal player or external player to hear the recorded voice. It is suitable up to android 7.0 version mobile. It does not work parallel with other call recorder app and it do not record WhatsApp calling, skype, imo, google duo calling etc. it has low performance on the lowest version android mobile (<5.0). It is not user friendly and useful for skilled users. Click here to get the app.

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It finds spy software/app in your phone.

All Call Recordings:

Total users: 48K. It has simple setting, user friendly format. Every can easily handle it. But it has very low volume (poor volume) on recorded voice (low quality voice). If you want to hear the same voice, you have to amplify it. It does not record any third party app calling. It records all the calls and do not have any individual category like incoming, outgoing only. It does not have multiple format; it records only 3gp format. To hear our recorded voice, we need to use external player. Do not have internal player. Click here to get this app.

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Automatic Call recorder- Global effect:

Total Users: 72 k. Nice call recorder app. It shows the accurate memory information on their dashboard which is really helpful. We can easily hide the recorded file in to our SD card/Internal memory. It has 4 format of recording (3gp, mp3, mp4 and AMR). Their internal player does not work properly, use external player to listen the recorded voice. Their recorded voice file size is bigger than other call recorder’s file so that it consumes more memory. It does not record app’s calling voices.  This is not good app for unskilled user.

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Automatic Call Recorder for Me:

Total users: 76K. This app does really well. It has manual stop recording option which displays on the caller screen while you calling/ receiving calls from someone. Low quality recording, lot of popup ads. It records 3 gp format only. It has some category of recording like All calls, incoming, outgoing and unknown. By selecting unknown it records only the calls from the unknown number which is not in your contact list. It stores in internal memory, do not have option to select external memory. Do not have hide option. It does not record apps voice calling.

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Call recorder:

This is waste app. It records your voice but do not play with internal and external players. I do not know how they are getting play store rating. I selected both mic and voice option but did not work.

Call recorder: Green Apple Studio

Total users: 309 K. This is the best app for both skilled and unskilled users. I recommend this app to everyone. Its recording voice quality is fantastic. Simple setting and user friendly options. It has only two format 3gp or mp3 recording. But two disadvantage, one is it do not have the unknown category call recording option. Another one, we cannot change the storage location, it stores in internal memory.

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Call Recorder- Automatic call recorder:

It has some additional feature of voice recording, including call recording.  Good quality of both type of recording. Internal player works well. It does not record from the starting of the call. It records, after the call made complete connection with receiver. Its memory exchange option, shake to record option and recording delay of 15 secs both incoming and outgoing call. It has some different category from other recorder like record all, Contacts only, Ignore contacts and specialist. This is good for skilled users. Disadvantage: Caller id popup makes some irritating about the application.

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Call Recorder – Automatic: Communication

Simple call recorder app, records the call from the starting point. Good voice quality, internal player works really well. It does not have memory interchange (stores in internal memory). Good app for unskilled users. Total users: 119K

Automatic Call Recorder Pro 2017 – callU, Call X:

Both apps are copycat each other.

  1. Good voice quality,
  2. Memory changes option
  3. Shake to record
  4. Cloud saving option
  5. Pin lock
  6. Do not record apps calling voices


Download the app, (Call recorder: Green Apple Studio) which is suitable for us.


                      Thanking You !!! Have a Nice Day….




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