What Is Alkanes, Types of alkanes, Uses and Disadvantages ?


What Is Alkanes :

In organic chemistry, an alkane is an acyclic saturated hydrocarbon. In other words, alkane contains carbon and hydrogen which is attached by single bond. It is having the general formula CnH2n+2. In the case of alkane, the C-atom is sp3 hybridised with four sigma bonds.

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What is alkanes ?

Types Of Alkanes:

1. Linear alkanes

Straight chain alkanes are indicated by the prefix ‘n-‘.

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Example : n-Pentane

What is alkanes ?

Methane – CH4

Ethane – C2H6

Propane – C3H8

Butane – C4H10

Pentane – C5H12

Hexane – C6H14

What is alkanes ?

2. Branched alkane

The branched alkane is indicated by some specific prefix to distinguish from linear alkane.

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For example: n-Pentane by isopentane or neopentane.

What is alkanes ?

Uses of Alkanes :

  • Methane and ethane are the main components of natural gas, they stored under pressure.
  • The first four alkanes are used for heating and cooking purposes.
  • They are used to generate electricity.
  • Propane and butane gases are stored under low pressure and is known as Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) and is used for cooking.
  • Some synthetic polymers called polyethylene and polypropylene contains number of repeated units of carbon atom.
  • It’s a major component of lubricating oil and is called anti corrosive agent.
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Disadvantages of Alkanes :

  • It is the main contributor of Green house Gas and causes global warming.
  • In humans, the high concentration of alkanes causes anaesthetic effects or narcosis.
  • Highly explosive.
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