How to Delete your blogger blog permanently


How to delete your blogger blog permanently:

Blogger has the option to delete your blog from but after delete command to your blog, blogger keeps your blog for 90 days to recover your blog data. Beyond 90 days your blog will be deleted permanently. During recovery period nobody cannot access your blog URL. Also, you can delete your blog permanently according to your request. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to delete your blogger blog permanently…

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gustavofer74 / Pixabay

Let’s start….

Step1: Login to your blogger dashboard

Step2: go to setting => Click other in setting

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Step3: See there Delete blog option

Step4: Click delete blog

Step5: you will see a popup window with delete option

Step6: delete this blog

Note: Before deleting your blog, make sure your blog content back up status.

Step:7 That’s all, you have done it….

“Deleted blogs can be restored within 90 days before they are removed forever. You can create another blog at this address using the Google Account that you’re currently logged in with.”

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Let’s see the permanent delete

Step8: Comeback to your blogger dashboard

Step9: Click your blog Current name down arrow mark as shown in the picture

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Step10: After that, you will see down deleted blog…click the blog which you want to delete permanently

Step11: it will redirect you to blog draft tab…. There you click permanent delete…

That’s all your blog has deleted permanently…

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